Don't You Understand?

I try to help you
You push me away
What more can I do?
I don't know anymore

You call me insensitive
Do you really think you aren't?
You hurt me all the time
When all I'm doing is to help you

You call me inconsiderate
Why would I care if I was really inconsiderate?
You don't understand
That's what you say

Why don't you understand?
That we're all here for you!
We've been here for a while now
Open your eves and look around at us
Do you see us now?!

You bother me
You bother them
You made so many mistakes
It's time to turn a new leaf
And start over once more

When you do, you'll see us there
With our arms wide open
Waiting for the person we know and care for
To come back to us

But now when I think back
I think it's too late
The damage has been done
Our friendship is over

I hope to never see you again
Never feel this pain again
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's not very good, just a spur of the moment thing...
This is in my best friend's point of view...