Hanging Corpse

Your nightmares haunt you in the daylight
The monsters hunt you in your dreams
The sun the moon - they're all around
To listen to such tortured screams
Nothing you can do or say
Will increase your chances of escape
Beg and plead upon the floor
Writhe in blood that signs your fate
Stain the world with tainted good
Lie to me to end your pain
For if you don't - rest assured
My hand won't stop to avoid your blood
Bare-handed I'd rip your limb from limb
Allow your blood to bathe me still
And I'd crawl up to your corpse and grin
As screams and breathing reached their end
I don't know what makes you think you're special
That it is only you that can dish out some pain
But trust my words if nothing else
Trust that I'm no longer sane
You look around with frightful eyes
Day or night it doesn't matter
I'm hunting you, and that is fact
And every minute I'm getting closer
To splattering blood upon the wall
And ripping flesh with nails and teeth
And trust me that won't be all
Just the beginning don't you see
You'll try to talk
Through dreadful screams
Only to cry
As I break your dreams
Deep inside your mind I dive
To places only the soul can reach
And I sever the light
But not to leave you at peace
You're left in the darkness
The shadows of day
And the hanging corpse
Tells you everything I meant to say