The Reality of Time

**If you don't like, read one of my older ones? Please? Give a girl another chance, Lol. I just randomly found this one in my history notebook and decided to post it. It wasn't necessarily a serious try at something wondrous. xD

Wishing you could change the past
Knowing the present never lasts
Fear for your future holds you fast

Panic, hurry, change your ways
~trying to not repeat the past~
Navigating the present, the terrible maze
~the present is all you have~
Stuck in that confused, and dangerous daze
~your future is hopeless, itll stay the same...~

Too lost to fix the pasts strife...
No hope for giving your future life...
Just lay down and accept the knife.
In your back it makes its home,
At least it's accountable, it'll never roam
And you know you'll never be shown
Something simpler than time's drone
Serious, terrifying, broken. Time will never leave you alone.