The Colour Red / The Play of Fools

"This story's been told a thousand times,
but it's different when it's your life."

I promised myself this would never happen;
like a child, I strayed.
You've kept me on the edge of sanity, kept me alive; until now.
I wasn't ready to crawl.
Forced to walk, I looked up to you.
Always comparing myself to you,
frowning at myself more and more.

I wouldn't hate myself like I do today,
we wouldn't be stuck with these memories.
You're the one who did this to me, I wouldn't have these regrets.
My question is, was it really worth your time, to earn my trust, earn my heart.
Then to smash it in one big blow? Tell me,
Did you just lose interest?
What did I ever do to fucking piss you off,
enough to suffocate me dry.
Sorry dear, but you'll never change.

As I glance at you today, you've changed much more.
Not so much physically, but your soul,
you slowly morphed into who you are today.
You said something you just can't take back, and someday you'll see
who you should've kept near. Not me,
just many others you turned away because of your self pride.

Sure, I owe you alot.
All you really did was save my life,
pulled me out of a difficult path,
made me realize what I was going against.
You gave me someone to trust for another little while.
Time turned you into my worst enemy,
I fell away from you, and finally realized where you were leading me.

"Stop, please!" she screams as she's knocked down to her knees.
Blood; oozing from her mouth, dripping into one single pool.
Red is the last colour you'll ever see,
my voice is the last thing you'll hear; besides your pathetic whimpers.

I've dreamt of this moment for so long,
tearing pieces of your fleshy soul apart,
Can you feel it?
Can you feel the tear between dreams and reality?

This curse will be reversed tonight.
Your pleads, and tear stained face make it all worth while.
Who's world is pulling apart? Who's crashing now?
Take a look, there's no one else to blame,
no one to thank but yourself.

This blade; freshly sharpened.
You; weak and disoriented.
Blood is seeping out.
Screams and struggles are useless,
tonight your world will end, with you faced down.
I've had enough.

Red was the last colour,
This voice; tattered and deep, was the last sound.
I owe you nothing.
Your faded vacant blue eyes;
makes the perfect memory of what you did to me.
I've had enough of you.

I promised myself that this would never happen,
Like a child, I strayed..
It's all just a play of fools.