Deadman Rising

All I could do was stand and watch,
it was all so surreal.
I hear the crash
but my head is spinning.
I can't see, but I know something is wrong.
I'm standing in the driveway,
but your nowhere to be found.

My mind is spinning,
nothing registers,
I find a bloody glove,
I'm hyperventilating.
Where are you?
What happened?
What's wrong?

I wish I had never turned.
Turned to see the crumpled MX bike,
the smoke in the air.
The oil and gas on the gravel,
and the blood.

I finally found you!
Half of you anyway.
Sprawled on the ground,
the blood bathing the gravel around you.
Just your torso laying there,
guts spilling onto the ground.
The right glove missing from your hand.
Your yellow helmet splashed with blood.

I thought I'd never see you again.
My heart was ripped apart,
just like you.
My tears running like your blood.
Staining my soul,
like the bloody ground beneath you.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the major reason why I got an account, why my profile name is what it is, why this poems title is the same. If you want a short summery: In this dream, I half watched, half heard my brother get ripped in half and then couldn't find him for a bit. Then when I found him, I found half of him next to his wrecked MX bike, blood everywhere.

There are some things that should never be seen...