
I laugh
I say things I don't mean
Some people say things back
Others frown and walk away

I use it all the time
On the phone
In an e-mail
During socialization
In my poems

This could all be sarcasm
I might not mean half of this
Or yet, I could

You see for sarcasm can make people happy
Or make people sad
But for me sarcasm is a second language
A very well known language to me
It makes me smile and the words roll of my tongue
Little enthusiasm in them
But yet they make a pun

I don't see how sarcasm can be a bad thing
All the time
It gets people in trouble
Makes people feel stupid
But yet you can't hate it
For you may use it too

Maybe sarcasm is right for you.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just made this poem up as I went along >.>