Love cannot be lost..

I still think of you
even though it wasnt true
even when im with him
the lights seem so dim

when you were their
i didnt really care
but now that your gone
i cant help but wonder what went wrong

was it the love that i had to give to you
was it my heart that was black and blue
or was it just a dare
did you ever really care

love is lost cannot be let go
what can i do you hurt me oh so
the pain will always stay
will i ever be okay

or will i just ly
and keep asking why
the words you said
replay in my head

i guess i must love you
at least i kno my love is true
but i kno u do not
you have already forgot

i wish that you loved me
instead of just used me
but i guess u will never kno
and neither will i

so i write this poem
still wondering why
why i cannot let go
why i still care
why i dont dare
to tell u that i love you
cuz you cant say it back
im sorry i love you
♠ ♠ ♠
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