My Heart...

An eerie air where my heart should be,
For you have taken it away from me.
I watch the snow fall with a heavy sigh,
Hoping I can contain the insolent cries.

I hear my deep breaths,
And I bite my chapped lips.
I’m hoping for a quick death,
But it hurts with each rip.

I felt your nails claw,
Along my sensitive skin.
My chest is bloody and raw,
Yet you still draw me in.
& I can feel you grab it and yank it right out,
Now how can I say that my heart’s full of doubt,
When it’s not even beating in my chest anymore.
No, now it lies, twitching, on the battlefield floor.

It’s hard to explain to passersby,
What I feel each time I look in your eyes.
A million different feelings rush through my chest,
And through my wound they are so thoroughly expressed.

I sit down to give my body its rest,
But have to get back up to fight.
Because this war is to show you’re the best,
To show me how I’m wrong and you’re right.

[chorus]: I felt your nails claw,
Along my sensitive skin.
My chest is bloody and raw,
Yet you still draw me in.
& I can feel you grab it and yank it right out,
Now how can I say that my heart’s full of doubt,
When it’s not even beating in my chest anymore.
No, now it lies, twitching, on the battlefield floor.

I’m empty now that you’ve stripped me of my heart,
And you stick in the knife to end my life,
Before it’s even had a chance to start,
Baby you’re rippin’ me apart.

Don’t I have a say,
In whether or not I stay?
You didn’t give me a choice,
Once you started raising your voice.

& I’ll bet that you’ll cry,
Once you’ve realized I died,
Because it’s all your fault,
Yeah you ripped out my heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's funny (in a totally non-funny way) how much you can like someone even after they hurt you so badly.