So long.....

One year
One year since you decided to put that gun to your head
One year since you put your family and friends through so much pain
One year since my dad, your brother, found you in your apartment
One year since your son and daughter lost their father
They miss you
They have grown so much
You are missing so much
Why did you do this to yourself?
To your family?
To your friends?
One year makes a huge difference
You killed yourself
You destroyed your family
They all cry about it
They all miss you
We all miss you
No one understands why you did it
We tried to help but it was too late
You left so much behind
I don’t understand
You looked better, than ever
No one expected it
That day no one could find you
They called you
They called your ex-wife
They even called your mother down in Florida
Just looking for you
They finally called my dad
He was they only one who had a key
He was the only one who knew where you lived
They called him
He went to your apartment
He walked in
He found you on the couch
He has regretted going there ever since
He has never been the same
One year
For one year we have asked so many questions
We all wish you were still here
So far it has been one year
One year with out you
I used to cry because I missed you when you were only in Florida for a week
I don’t know how I have gone this long without crying
You didn’t know it then but you were an important person
To me
To your son and daughter
To my father
To your family
To everyone who knew you
It’s been one year without you
We never thought we could make it
But we did
We never thought you wouldn’t make it
Until that day
You were too young to die
But I understand there is nothing we can do now
To change the course of fait