The Happy Girl

The happy girl is so lucky,
She doesn't have problems,
She isn't familiar with pain,
She's always so happy,
Obnoxiously so,
She always has a plastic smile plastered on her face,
I hate the way she always gives me that look that says, "I know, it'll be okay".

What if the happy girl isn't happy?
Who says she has no problems?
How would you know that she's not familiar with pain?
Have you ever thought the happiness could be a mask?
How do you know that smile is for her?
Who says it's not for you?
Maybe that look is because she does know and she knows it'll be okay.

I'm not lucky at all,
I have plenty of problems; I take your promblems on my shoulders too,
I am all too famliar with pain,
I'm never happy; I only pretend to be for those around me,
My plastic smile is a mask to protect the real me; the one you won't want to know,
And when I give you that look it's because I do know, and it will be okay.

Pull off the happy girl's mask and see her tears
Pull away the happy girl's sheild and see her pain
Talk to the happy girl and see her problems
Pull up the happy girl's sleeves and see her scars

Is She So Happy Now?
♠ ♠ ♠
I was always the happy girl that looked emo but laughed too loud and smiled too wide and was too friendly and nice for other people to like. I was the one everyone called obnoxious and too happy. But I never was. I HATED myself. I wanted to die. I just wanted everyone else to be happy and settled for any kind of friendship possible, even if they were only using me. Please understand if you are like that, it doesn't have to be that way. You don't always have to have it all together. And for those who aren't, next time you see a girl or guy who is trying their best to help and be friendly and smile, smile along and take some of their burden off their backs :) Love to all! xx