The Whirlpool

The Whirlpool of Thoughts

Sitting in the midst of a whirlpool,
I watch my thoughts swirl by me-
Even faster than the lightening storms inside my head.

Sharp they zoom getting faster as new resolutions come into being,
Turning into a beautiful array of colours that glide to and fro.

Swirling in a mist thought
Some dwelling longer, while other’s join in a long flowing rainbow.

Still another is formed to join it in its glory,
Taking its place in the void and filling it with the light of life.

Growing into the shapes of angels which resonate in a shimmering golden light
Their voices rising in crystal clear innocent song
Music created that touches everything that hears them
Filling all with happiness and peace.

The whirlpools thoughts grow stronger as the music crescendos,
Sharp thoughts and soft angels blending when they meet,
As the wind rushes around with excitement to the final creation of life.