The Little Biscuit

The Little Biscuit

The Little Biscuit was brown and chocolate in the centre, with hazel drops.
He was kind and pleasant with a coconut smile.

The Little Biscuit had a jammy little friend called Dodger.
Who was like a cheeky little curly wurly.

The Little Biscuit and his friend went for a walk and met Bob The Hobnob.
Together they strolled down to the park and played on the swings.

They played, they walked, they talked and laughed with such merriment and happiness.

Until many years later when they were all grown up,
Bob turned to Jammy and said “Lets play a trick on him”, motioning towards the little biscuit.

And so they waited till he came to their meeting place and when The Little Biscuit arrived, there was a dog waiting for him with snarling teeth.
The Little Biscuit was so frightened of being eaten that he turned and ran straight out into the road.

He never saw the car and was squashed like a crème egg.
Then Bob and Jammy threw off their dog costume and ran for help.
But it was too late; The Little Biscuit was no longer,
He was dead.

Oh how they mourned for their little friend.
And were forever sorry for their prank.

And so The Little Biscuit arose, slowly up to the sky, among the golden fluffy clouds.
Waving goodbye to his friends.

Suddenly he looked straight up, and there above his head was the strangest sight he ever did see,
The land of all the dead.

There were floating groups of Angels, who sang in harmony.
Animals talking and laughing with joy.
He knew they would not harm him here for in Heaven there was peace.