now we're over.

Now we're over, I can't get you out of my head.
It's like your stuck, forever to stay in there.
keeping me awake at night in my bed.
you said you'd always be there, but now you don't care.

What am I supposed to do?
How can I move on?
Two months is a pretty short time...
within five days, you did.
with my "best-friend" what a dirty dirty whore, she is.

she thought that it wouldn't effect our so called friendship,
oh how stupid and daft she is.
i ignored her calls, i ignored her looks in the hall.
the insults came rolling before the rumors did.

I find myself wondering if i pass through your mind,
if you feel guilty as you touch and kiss her.
Do you regret your choice of breaking my heart?
I don't think you did, after all you did laugh when
your best friend said I deserved to die...

at the time it didn't hurt, the insults didn't slice one little bit.
but all the things, you said are revolving in my head.
how can i get them out, when you wont leave?
♠ ♠ ♠
I just had to get this out..