Life is a wasteful effort

Life is a wasteful effort
All you get is pain and misery

The peace you receive is replaced
And horror is given

The love you find gets lost
The despair you face remains

Your dreams don’t come true
But your nightmares always will

The people you meet reject you
The more you try the more you seem to fail

Jokes stop getting funny
All you want to do is cry

The teasing is hard to ignore
But you try to keep a smile on your face

When life hands you lemons make lemonade
But you’re only covering up the sourness

It’s always there
Lurking around corners waiting for you

Depression is a mysterious thing
Like a shadow it follows you

It will never leave you
Because it’s a part of you

You weren’t born with it
No, it was created by those who torture you everyday

Because you’re too fat or too ugly
Because you talk weird or look gross

That okay though
Because life is a waste of time

I’ll just get it over with
I’ll just make it through with a smile

I guess...