The Darkest Alley (Prt. 4)

Music to my ears.
his horror filled screams.
he begs this a nightmare,to be unreal.
but it's exactly what it seams.

he awakened to find.
that his eyelids are gone.
looking back at the mirror.
where his eyes are drawn.

his dick chopped off.
and his balls on a hook.
horrified,unable to blink.
being forced to look.

"I'm sorry!" he screams.
but it's no use.
he won't be freed.
for any excuse.

walking towards him.
bush cutter in hand.
placing it on his big toe.
this won't be so grand.

snap! I cut it almost through.
hanging by a thin piece of skin.
I move to the next toe.
and do it again.

after the toes.
I go for the fingers.
now at his right hand.
where the bush cutter lingers.

I chop off his fingers.
then bandage them up.
and again he begs for freedom.
but my answers still "shut up!"

moving a jar to his opened mouth.
he watched and awaits the pain.
tilting the jar,cockroaches pour out.
dropping in his mouth like rain.

he coughs and he screams.
as they crawl around.
pulling and tugging.
on the chains he is bound.

I ask,"You wanna leave?"
"Yes i do!, please!?"
gun in hand, I unhook and unchain.
stepping back as he falls to his knees.

"Thank You!" he shouts.
stumbling out into the night.
you hear a chain rattle and a snap.
walking out with a chainsaw and light.

groaning and crying.
he lays there on the floor.
so close, yet so far.
only one foot from the door....