My dearest daughter

I love you to my very core
You're everything I could of hoped for and more
You're in my woumb as I write
You're in my dreams during the night

Your not alive,but I love you still
The thought of you is a thrill
You'll be hard for me, but easy as well
I'll love you more then i'll ever tell

Your fathers name is unknown to me
So that's why you're hard to see
I'm not ready for you but when I am
I'll take that final exam

I'll put all my effort into you
And make all your dreams come true
Because sometimes you'll be my only friend
You'll be that straw that doesn't bend

And so my deear, until that day
Until I put my youth away
I'll dream of you and try to provide
A nice world for you to subside
♠ ♠ ♠
Yea, this was written during boredom, suprising what comes with that verb ^^^^^^