Nightmare Is My Reality

As I was lying on my bedroom floor,
There was a sudden rattling at my closet door,
While I sat there in fright,
I quickly turned on my lamp light,
Was I going mad,
I had no clue at the time,
With that all running through my mind,
Then I covered the blanket over my head,
I suddenly felt foolish under the covers of my bed,
Why was I doing this,
Soon after though I was happy under my dark abyss,
My closet door creaked open,
Sweat dripped off my face,
There stood a creature coming out of it's hiding place,
This was no creature, for it was a man,
A man covered in black,
I suddenly felt a panic attack,
He walked over to my bed and looked under it,
Soon I felt my neck slit,
I screamed and screamed, but nobody came,
The next day,
My parents entered my room, to find nobody there,
They wondered who was to blame,
The mysterious man had his way,
Of hiding my body in my small closet space,
Suddenly, they heard a noise in my closet,
To find the body of their daughter,
In the closet slaughtered.