Time Will Tell

Don't you dare let those gold colored lips kiss me goodbye
As the sun rises our spirits will spread apart
No matter how many screams your mouth can endure
No matter how many tears my eyes can shed
All of it will be soon lost at sea
It will drift along the coast of all my dreams and hopes
Only time will tell if we'll get over flooded

Destiny's mission was to destroy us
Fate's decision was to tear our limbs apart
To make us all drown in sorrow and our past
It haunts the mere joy left in my sanity
Only time will tell if we survive
Our choices mean nothing if our bodies don't connect

My silver painted lips soon wash off from all the salt
I could tell it's all artificial
It was doomed from the start
My mind just pushed the idea to the side
I hoped
You dreamed
But nothing made this love come true
If only time saved us