Best Friend

Sometimes I wonder if its all worth it,
What we do day in day out,
Whether or not I should happily play the game,
Putting on a mask every morning,
Carrying on the charade,
Pretending to everyone I'm happy,
Everyone but you,
For I know at the end of the day I will return home to you,
And let go and cry,
Or howl,
Or sometimes,
Yet sometimes,
I'll smile and laugh along with you,
Because you always make me feel better,
Because your a true friend.

Sometimes I give up on pretending,
And I let everyone see the true me,
And I know it scares them,
Your the only one who isn't afraid,
And on those days I crumple up to the floor
An imperfect disaster,
A whirlwind of destruction,
And I'll try and pull away from you,
And unlike everyone else you hold on tight,
And wipe away my tears,
Squeezing my hand re-assuringly,
Because your a true friend.

But regardless of this I put on the mask,
Every time I wakeup,
And I take it off again,
Before I go to bed,
And I stand before you,
All barriers down,
Bare and naked before your eyes,
And I feel you smile and I know its okay,
But I feel scared at the though of loosing you,
Like I lost so many others,
And though I doubt you would ever leave me,
The uncertainty is always there,
But you promise,
To stay,
Because your a true friend.

And if I could only muster the words to tell you,
How much you mean to me,
If only words would come,
Something to do justice how I feel,
Explain the unexplainable,
The aching in my chest for you,
The love, the power, the togetherness,
For we are no longer best friends,
But rather one whole person,
One entity made of two parts,
And without you I'm not quite whole,
For you see,
My love,
This is true friendship.