What if..?

Dear daddy,

What if I never lived, would you be happy then?
What if you had your way \and killed me those years ago, would the blood stop flowing?
What if I ran away like I wanted, would you be happy?
What if I was normal, would I never have gotten the bruises that never seemed to fade?
What if I was never homosexual, would you never have raped me?

Dear mommy,

What if you left daddy like you wanted, would you have taken me with you?
What if you didn’t just sit there while he touched me, would I be less insane?
What if you aborted me, would you live without the regret of me?
What if you loved me, would the pain stop?
What if you cared, would I have a heart?

Dear brother,

What if you stood up for me, would I not be in constant pain?
What if you were around when it happened, would you just watch?
What if they cared about me like they did you, would they torture you instead?
What if you didn’t push me down the stairs just for show, would I be less mental?
What if they were actually nice, would you love me too?
♠ ♠ ♠
well, this is a true story.
and i mean every fucking word.