No one understands

no one seems to know what im going though
they all say they do but they dont
im not the same anymore
ive changed inside
but you dont seem to notice
until i tell you i feel pointless
you ask why i tell you
but it dosent help
i lose you in what im telling you
you say you know how i fell but you dont have a clue
what uts like you try and me though this but it dosent help
i push you away
i keep on doing this until its too late
i need help sameone to talk to
but you say that your bust or you
dont want to talk to me
you dont believe me anymore
i feel the pain inside of me grip me tight
i feel rejected, as i am no longer your friends
i have no one
no one in my life
i puseded then away
i pushed them away, because they tried
to help me but i didnt see it
i didnt need your help
but now i do
i need you
but you dont see it
until its to late
you read he notem i left behind
you realized
how i need you
how much i loved you
but you cant do anything
its to late
im gone forever
in heaven watching you live your life
the life that i could of had
if only if i listened to you
on that day
instead of pushing you away like i did
im so sorry that it had to end like this.
but it did
i couldnt handle it anymore
no one seemed to understand me anymore
until they read the note i left
im so sorry it had to end like this way
but you didnt seem to understand me anymore
it hurt so much inside because i had no one around me
you said that you would always love me
forever and always
but you broke me heart
into a million bits
my life went sprilling down
and out of control
all i ever wanted was for this all
to go away to run away from it all
to leave it all behind
so i did what i had to do
i left it all behind all those unanwered questions
that you have now
but i cant answer then beacuse im gone
forever into the heaven above
yes!! i took it into my own hands.
i know that it wasnt the easy way
out of it
but to me there was nothing out there for me
no one was understanding me
no one seem to care
i was just lost inside
crying out for help
i told you that i wasnt coping
i told you that i was emo
i told you that i was depressed
but you didnt seem to care
deep inside my heart broke in half
again and again
i couldnt take it anymore
i had to go
leave it all behind
so now im gone forever
i took my life into my own hands
there is nothing you could have done to
change my mind now
its just to late..