Real Friends are always there for you

Time is chipping away every second

This is it

The last twenty seconds of the biggest game of my life

The championship shot for the school

I'd be know for years to come

The court is full of traffic

I'd have to make my own path

Everyone is heavily gaurded

I'm at halfcourt

Ten seconds left

I have to get to my spot and fast

Now their double teaming me

Five seconds left

I dribble away for some room to shoot

Three seconds left

I shoot up the shot

I smile

It has the right line

One second left

This three pointer will win it

It'll be ninety-eight to ninety-seven

My heart sank

The smile erased itself from my face quickly

The buzzer sounded

I fell to my knees

It bounced out of the back of the hoop

The other team is celebrating

My team is pissed off at me

I hear all the boo's from the back of me

My tears started to come

They all hate me

I hate myself

Then I felt someone pat my shoulder

I wiped my tears and looked up

One of my teammates

My best friend

He offered his hand

I took it

He walked with me to the locker room

And while everyone was cursing at me and boo-ing me

I finally knew

I had a real friend