school is not so cool

my school is big like a ship
a school is not so cool
we're he 5 days a week
8 hours a day

school is not so cool
people laugh when we fell
we just have to make a call

A school is not so cool
we have to work hard to get good grades
iam not going to do it no more
i do it everyday
we can't ngo on the grass
we cant bother other class
we cant save spots at lunch
we have to go as a bunch
we have 3 minutes in the hall
iam alwas late what a ball
we have to pay attention
if not we get detention

A school is not so cool
they have to many rules
they play us as a fool
if we get A's
the parents jump hip hop hooray
if we get F's
we tell them we need to take a rest
we always have homework
we never have classwork
they have to many rules
they need to take it cool

A school is not cool !!!

made by: A friend of mine