
As the world around me crumbled,
I saw you standing there with arms wide,
I ran to you,
I didn’t want to think of anything else.

As the ground slipped from under me,
I jumped into your embrace.
You held me tight.
The world crumbled around us.

You told me you loved me,
And you would for an eternity.
And that when I die I would become the stars,
So everyone can see my beauty.

I said I love you in return,
And when you die you would become the air and the wind
Because you give me life,
Everybody would be able to feel your touch.

The darkness moved towards us,
And our love grew stronger,
The darkness consumed everything around us,
I knew at this moment I was truly happy.

The earth slipped from under our feet and we fell,
As the abyss came towards us,
Your wings stretched out wide,
We soared towards the blood red sky,

We found stable ground,
Your wings surrounded us for protection,
The sky started falling,
And the ground slipped away.

From under the rubble I found you,
Your beauty and majesty bewilder me.
Your eyes were like beacons of hope.
And we flew, above the clouds and away chaos

And you became my salvation
Sent to the earth to save me
From the chaos and eternal damnation
Of this condemned world.