"We Were Real"

There was this time, long ago where I know I had found true love,
And I still love her through and through; I still look to the moon above.

On the night where I first met her, the moon was full and it was bright;
I wasn’t looking for romance, but in her, I saw a light.

We had an innocent start, indeed, but our hearts had so quickly intertwined,
And after that night, I knew that a girl like her was the most impossible to find.

In our first kiss, I knew I’d found the one I’d love forever.
She shook my world, she made me feel, she put me back together.

I found out on that night that she loved rain, but more was she loved me too;
We just didn’t know how we’d keep it when my leave was finally through.

She swore it on her life that she’d write to meand never did she fall through;
She wrote me letters every week; some days it felt like she was here, too.

But then after 9/11, I stayed in the service to help my buddies in the fight;
It was the hardest choice that I’d ever made, but I’m glad because it was right.

Eventually I got the news that made me wish I was shot in the head;
She had fallen for someone else, and I couldn’t help but wish that I was dead.

She and I came to a close; that chapter was read too fast…
But still I wish that there was a way that I could have made it last.

We met in a different time in a world that seems like lifetimes ago,
Where life was new and carefree… Where we vowed to never let go.

But alas, the day had come and gone where she wrote her final letter,
And my first wish from my breaking heart was that he’d treat her better.

Almost every thought I’ve had since then was about our life together;
Even though it was far too short, I’m just glad to know that I had met her.

Our hearts had clicked in that first glance, andit still feels so surreal…
I still have her faded photograph to remind me we were real.
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I ORIGINALLY wrote this poem for the site called Gonline. My username on there is Lahina.