
I want to scream. Need to scream.
Why aren't you there anymore?
You said you would be.
Can't you see, what you're doing?
You're ruining me. Breaking me.
Is this your plan? Are you going
To remold me? Please, if that's
What you are planning, do it already.
I need you, you know? I loved you.
Where did you go? When will you
Be back? Daddy, I miss you.
The old you. Not this liquor
Infused, red-eyed monster.
You yell, and I cower. Why
Do you yell, daddy? You and
Mom don’t need to fight, so
Please stop it. Stop the fighting.
I miss it when you two were happy.
Please, be happy. Please, please
Be happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is something I hold dear, I wrote this when I was like, thirteen. I just found it, well, the name "Be happy" and I pulled it up. I edited it some, figured I'd post for the heck of it.