Losing Spirit

They will never know
The hunger that consumes you from the inside
The voice that tears down your dignity
And replaces it with a false sense of hope

They will never know
The fear and sorrow inside of you
The regret you must keep under lock and key
For no one can learn your mistakes

They tell you you’re perfect
They say you’re a good role model
They praise you, they beam upon you
But it’s never enough.

For you believe you are inferior
The mirror lies, reflecting an image
Only your eyes can see
Reality breaks you down

Why must you waste your life like this?
Can’t you see the harm you cause? The hurt?
You are not only hurting yourself, but us, too.
Why must you hide?

Release your inhibitions.
Let them see the tears, the frustration.
Let us help you to bloom and strive once more.
Or did you forget what being truly happy means?

Starvation is not a desire.
Beauty comes from the individual.
Will you find the courage to heal?
Will you let yourself free?

Or will you continue to starve yourself
Of your future, your pride, and your life
Until the hunger is no longer
And you are only the shell of what you once were.