I'm on your side

You've always had a thing for me
Something I've never quite experienced before
You've held me at the worst times
And you've made me feel strong

I've told you all my secrets
I tore down the wall
You told me you love me
And you said you'd break my fall

But things are starting to change
Things are starting to differ
I swear if I see that chick
I'm going to stuff her down a paper shredder

Cause I get told this, and you tell me different
Because I have my insecurities, and they know it
But I will believe you, cause I know your true
Cause I wonder if you've held them, or even kissed them like that too.

So I guess what I'm trying to say
Is something not to difficult
I love you and always will
But the bitch better watch who's man she's messing with