My Story

I put the pen on the paper
Its great white plains seem to call out to me
Yearning for the black ink to spread across the page
And tell the tales that grow in my heart

Will it be a story of a god
Come to live with the humans?
Or maybe a human
Taken captive by gods

Will it be of children
Playing hopscotch on the concrete?
Or maybe of babies
Beathing in polluted air?

Maybe it will tell of my prince
Waiting to rescue me
In his shining armour
Riding in on his horse

But I think the story
That deserves to be told
Is the story of my life
Since I was only one minute old

I've never been perfect
Never tried to say I was
I've never been beautiful
Although sometimes...I wished

I've never been in love
Though come pretty close to it
But then realised
That crushes don't count

Because love is a treasure
Just waiting to be found
But maybe right now
Is just not the time

So for now I'll be content
With just who I am
I'll put up with my body
And deepen my soul
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, this is my first so constructive critiscm is welcome. it's not fantastic, but i felt like writing it XD