
I know you are my soulmate....
When we don't tallk I feela piece of me missing...
When you call my heart races a mile a minute....
When we talk I feel something special there....

You agree you feel the same way...
You understand what I mean...
You tell me you feel the same...
Do you really mean it?

I think not!
You don't talk to me anymore.
You never answer anymore.
It's like we never met...

The hole has gotten bigger.
My heart is now in pieces.
The hole is so big...
I feel nothing at all.

So isolated and lonely.
So scared to be alone.
But you never answer when I ask.
I am soo done.

Going so long without hearing from you.
Knowing what was there.
To make it even worse...

You agreed you felt the same...
You said we would be together...
It was all a lie!

I always thought you were special...
You thought that was I...
It all adds up to one thing....
You were my guy!

You are my soulmate...