Oh is it depression,
How i wish everything could burn
Till they went to the firey ground of hell.

Oh how my heart burns,
From love that blinds me.
And that I only have one speck of light inside me.

My soul is lost,
And cannot be found,
For it's to late,
Time has gone by.

So it's time to play doctor now
And say goodbye,
To the things i had loved.

There is no point in life,
If the things you loved are gone
And if the things you knew, went too.

No point, no point at all.
So cut me open,
And look inside to see if you can fix me.

If you can't,
I say goodbye,
to the people i loved and cared about.

I'll tell you if I see God
And the angel Gabriel.
I'm not scared what so ever,

For faith is on my side.
I just want you to know,
that when I die, take my heart.

because I need it no more.
Please come to my grave,
No more than a minute.

Just come and look.
Please don't cry,
'Cause it's not worth it.

If you come,
You'll understand,
That I'm in a better place.

No more lies,
No more Cheats,
In heaven I am undefeatable.

Well this is goodbye,
Not forever.
I'm playing doctor now

And I'll see my parents soon.
So tell them, tell them now.
That I'll see them in a minute.

Bury me by my parents,
Where I'll be safe.
Well goodbye,

Goodbye for good.
I love you
And that's all I have to say.

so long and goodbye
so long and forever.