

hypocrisy, in it's gender form
Words eat themselves,
and notes are erased.
Love? she is a disgrace;
like that of irrelevant conversation,
hours wasted to the peak of inconvenience,
where doubt and self-righteousness are dropped,
delivered like rain drops, upon deserted towns.
There is no destiny for you,
no sign or ellipses,
no hugs or kisses,
in the face of wind,
there is no one who misses.

Rushing did not ease you,
and neither did waiting.
we had no common hue,
this is why I am hating.
Just wait for it to come,
that fate that bounds itself to you,
which is why I raise my rum;
when karma says adieu.
♠ ♠ ♠
this poem had so much emotion, i could feel it's radiation when i wrote it down