
Nicotine being sucked into my lungs
Polluting my body
Soot; licking my tongue and throat
Stupid brain being tricked, thinging it's getting oxygen
It doesn't know I'm feeding it poison
You don't realize till the nausea kicks in
Ha! Too late now
You're already under my spell

Slipping into euphoria
Suddenly you don't even care
About the damage
Being done
30 seconds in, eight hours out
Poor kidneys and liver working overtime tonight as well
You never give them a break

Ash being successively disposed of
Not much left of virgin white now
One last disgusting drag
You secretely hate the flavour
Feeling relaxed and satisfied

I'll agrressively kill the light
And step on what's left of my
Suicide stick
Before walking right back inside
Smelling like a walking ashtray