This Is For You

This is for you

This is for all the people
That want to give up
That don’t feel the need to live

This is for all the people
That won’t get a second chance
That deserve one

This is for all the people
That have a broken heart
That no longer can love

This is for all the people
That have lost someone
That have not healed from that lost

This is for all the people
That have missed things
That have missed love

This is for all the people
That have cried
That are afraid to show anyone

This is for all the people
That have given up
That have lost emotion

This is for the people
That have hold in everything
That cry alone

This is for all the people
Alive and dead
That have loved and lost

No matter the way you loved
No matter the way you lost
This is for you
♠ ♠ ♠
I tried out writing a poem, kind of spur of the moment