
Roses are red
violets are blue
this poem is odd
and so are you.

I am purple
He is blue
She is orange,
what color are you?

Some people are nerds
Some people are not
I am true so my self
Are you real or bought?

Roses are red
And so is blood
It pumps in our hearts
Is yours a dud?

Violets are blue
And so is the sky
Its filled with oxygen
Without it we die…

Aura’s equal temperaments
Temperaments equal mood
My aura is always changing
And yours is too

Fire burns
Ice freezes
Earth stedies
And wind breezes

Roses are red
Violets are blue
This poem is odd
And so are you.
♠ ♠ ♠
This just came to me after i read the first stanza on another site... i changed some of the words in that stanza so its not plagiarized or anything :) this is also copyrighted so dont try to take it!!!