For Her!

The pain gets stronger,
my scars hurt more.
I can't take it much longer,
but i'll love her forever more.

I know i have to over come this,
because it's going to kill me.
The pain hurts like fists,
but for her i will always agree.

I will do anything she needs,
from now to eternity.
I'll overcome this,
because she deserves the best kiss.

Someone to care and take care of her.
A person that loves and for her would have no fear.

A person who can be her comfort, her escape, her stronghold.
A person who for her would die and treat her heart as gold.

Someone who thinks her priceless and will never forget her.
Someone who treats her the best and will never regret her.

I will be that person no matter what the reason.
I will not try but do and never think of treason.

I'll never let go and the past away i'll throw.
I'll always be here and i will NEVER let her go.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just for you and no one else.....I love you bebe.....FOREVER!!!!!!