My Friend.

My Friend.
I’ve blocked you from reading my notes. From pressing that blue link which declares that Lesley Evans has posted a note.
I think about when I first met you, when I was still 14 and stupid.
Camp, Nerds, Friends, Gossiping, RA on RA (sex) discussions
That’s where our friendship started.
But it was more flirtation than anything else and I can’t believe you thought I was 13.
How insulting can you be to me? My chest wasn’t that flat
Kept it up, you know? The conversing with you when I was so close to you during that family trip with my dad
You didn’t visit me on my last day. It made me sad.

And we kept that continuous flirtatious IMing each other, even when you got yourself that freshman.
And we kept the continuous flirting till around November.
You know, you were an idiot right? A big fat stupid idiot.
But hey, I got to say that I was “strong” and “better” than you. Bullshit.
And then that crazy IM from you
Man, it just got me spiraling downhill from there.
(Just want to say Fuck You for that buddy boy)
And that flirtation went nuts. We got into our little fights, like a cute little couple and made up. Just like a cute little couple.
We got into that big fight.
And Made Up.

It sorta just continued from there. We stayed on that steady friend path.
(Just gonna give you a heads up. I’m not letting you back into my life like you were before.)
Oh I got jealous, and I remember that memorable day when a random number texted me.
It was you and you got me smiling.
You got me smiling a lot, and you got me sad a lot more.
I must be a masochist, dealing with all that rejection and keeping it up.
Then hell that flirtation got up and out of control. And I told you that dream
And that dream came true.

Can you hear a lovely little love song playing now? Just gently in the distance
I admit, we were cute. A cute little cyber couple.
And I admit, only half of that teenage sexual tension was released that night.
And I admit, I acted like the love crazed fool. And I guess you did too.

But then you just cracked
Under pressure
Like that song by Queen. Boy is that a good song
And it sorta just killed it all
Everything my friend.
I will never let you in again and ‘cause of you I’m afraid of a relationship.
And ‘cause of you I don’t believe anymore.

And I just want to say that I have always felt like that 'friend'
That 'friend' you just didn’t want known by other people. That non-existent friend, girl, bud
And I never complained not even after it all.
But I don’t like being shut into a hole, treated like that dirty little secret you don't want anyone to know.
You told me in the beginning “Can you not write on my wall too much”
And I don’t.
And I no longer want you to see my face, and I don’t want to see yours.
Can I admit that I just want to end it. This one sided friendship we got.
You think we’re friends. But darling. We’re strangers. And we will always be strangers.
I hope you never recognize me again.

I promise you I will never again be that girl you used to know.
And it’s all because of you.
You’re a lot to lose. And you forced that on me.
And I have to thank you for making me so cynical.
And I just hope to realize
I'm a whole fucking lot more to lose than you are for me or any girl.
Understand that and cheers man. Cheers.

And I would also like to admit. You don't and you won't see this note, or poem, or whatever you call what I've been writing, because you're gonna wanna talk.
Talk about this, this whole thing I just wrote.
You're just like my father. A talking idiot.
And for that

Fuck You.