Something Worth of Celebrating

Did you know you broke my heart?
In two mangled peices?
You cut it out and spit on it
And now it as diseases

I can't take it back
It'll only remind me of you
You left me with a hole
That used to have peices of two

You said that you loved me
And i beleived it when i heard
But then you went and left me
You are so absurd

I've mourned the very day
We went our seperate ways
I hate the way you left me
I cried for days and days

But today i suddenly realize
That you must've never had the heart
To love someone so insignificant
I realize this now because we are apart

For some odd reason
I liked the torment
It was the only thing i had left
Now I see what my friends meant

You left me on self-destruct
If I thought about you I'd cry
I would explode at any time
I see now it was all a lie

So bye bye days of loss
And hello days of renewal
I found my way and lost you on the way
That is something worth of celebrating
♠ ♠ ♠
Stupid boy