The Perfect End

I am not ever going to be good enough
You're on the perfect end of things
I don't know how it feels to be like that
I'm not begging for perfection, just to be normal

I sit here & look at you, your perfect smile lighting up your face
And I cry because I know that my crooked grin isn't like that
You're so tan, so thin, so beautiful- everything I'm not
I want to rip the skin off & start all over again

Sometimes I feel comfortable inside myself
Curled up and safe from the world's harsh words
I don't care what you think, I know who I am
But secretly I feel it tearing me apart

Why don't you want me like I want you?
Why do I have to be so damn unpretty?
Even if it's not my looks, is it my soul that scares you?
I thought if nothing else, I was a good person

Not personally attracted to me, but I fell for you
Help me move on, let me forget how wonderful you are
I just want to be what you want me to be
Tell me what I need to change for you to notice

I'm in love with you.
♠ ♠ ♠
copied & pasted from ES-- some are old

Author: Lil J
ASL Info: 22/F
Words: 215
Class/Type: Poetry/Depressed
© 2006-09-02