The Middle

I'm the first to admit, I'm not your typical girl
I've been through hell & back with a grin
I don't try to impose on other people my problems
But sometimes I just need a shoulder to cry on
Always confused, feeling so lost & alone
Could it be someone out there feels the way I do?

Once upon a time I believed in a thing called love
The glitter, the fairy tale, the happy ending
But I've realized it's only for the princess
Not for the maid in the hall
I don't know how it feels to truly be loved
And who's to say it's for me?

Through the tears & the pain, a razor blade shines
Carrying with it my salvation
One swift motion is all it takes to wash away the pain
But I've learned this isn't the answer
It only numbs the pain & it comes back
So I never lost it to begin with

Lately I haven't felt the need
I have been happy, carefree & more confident than I used to be
I want to know this feeling can last
That happiness & laughter will be with me always
Nothing can stop me once I've reached the middle
The top so close.. finally within reach
♠ ♠ ♠
copied & pasted from ES... some are old

Author: Lil J
ASL Info: 22/F
Words: 239
Class/Type: Poetry/Me
© 2006-09-03