Shadows Know The Secrets

One night with you was enough for a lifetime
Yet you couldn't stop there- you came back for more
I was so young when I lost myself, my soul
How can you live with yourself knowing that it's your fault?

Your words cut through me, deep & scarring
Stuck forever in my mind, like the lyrics of a horrible song
No matter how many nights I cry, the pain remains inside of me
Claiming my life, stealing my vibrance and joy

Never to embrace me again, the shadows know the secrets I hold within
Only God knows my pain--
Like thorns in my side...a never-ending feeling
Crying does not help but kills the pain so I can sleep
Only to wake up and remember

I'm no longer starry-eyed or carefree, young or naive
My wings are broken, never to fly
And a gentle hand I'll never know
I walk an endless mile, almost like rain I fall
No one to reach out for me-- I fall alone.

It's nights like these, when sleep won't come
That I think about you, what you did and how it's ruined me
You'll always be there, like the words I don't say
Haunting my dreams and making me feel so worthless
The walls close in on me as I just try to forget

I know my life was troubled and you weren't afraid to use me
Shape me like a piece of clay, pull my strings like a puppet
My soul still full of pain caused by you
I woke up this morning with tears in my eyes
Trying to embrace what I did wrong to take the treatment I received from you
I wish I could wake up from this nightmare... but I can't because it's not a dream at all--
It's a hell I can't get out of
♠ ♠ ♠
copied & pasted from ES... some are old

Author: Lil J
ASL Info: 22/F
Words: 315
Class/Type: Poetry/Dark
© 2006-09-04