The Morning After

Our bodies seem to link together
Forming an inexplicable bond
Something I can't explain
Something I've never felt before
I try to bury the sense of guilt that plagues me even now
But it keeps resurfacing
Somehow this feels wrong
Even though you try to persuade me it's right
A fog of drunkeness seems to cloud my mind
I can't control my body anymore
Much less stop myself now
I pretend to enjoy it
This joining of bodies and soul
But deep down I know it's wrong
Then it's done and you are spent
Lying down in a mass of sweat and sin
And we fall asleep hopefully to wake up together
But no such luck
As i blink the next morning
You are gone
With no goodybye, no note
And the choices I made last night
Come flooding back to me
And I am drenche in remorse and sorrow
I have given away what I can never get back
To a stranger, I can't recall your name now
What last night seemed like a good idea
Now makes me feel dirty, shamed
In the light of the morning after
♠ ♠ ♠
this is not something i have experienced, and i hope will never experiece, but i had to write it, and i'm pretty satisfied xD