Beautiful Me

Starving and cutting and try to feel the pain.
Nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Doing what I can to get perfection.
I hate what I see during my inspection.
All I want is to look like them and look pretty.
Don’t look at me like that, I don’t want your pity.
I see those magazines and instantly feel hate.
I can’t eat anything because I’m trying to lose weight.
So much pain and hatred I’m trying to hide.
No one can see these tears I’ve cried.
Skip breakfast and lunch and dinner too.
That still doesn’t satisfy me, I’ll try something new.
Grab a razor and press it against my wrist.
All I’m trying to do is feel like I exist.
Can anyone see all of the pain that I’m in?
Can anyone actually see past the depth of my skin?
Someone please look into the depths of my heart.
I feel like I’m being ripped completely apart.
Someone come and take my hand.
And help me up so I can stand.
Show me what it is that I cannot see.
Help me discover the beautiful me.