Love Anarchist

Summer came hand in hand
with its winter lover,
bathing me in delirious kisses.
They made me spin and topple
and grope for solid ground,
just like those drugs we used to take.
The two lovers of heat and frost
submerged my skin in polar extremes.
The bathroom spun around me
like a chemical carnival,
the white circus lights hypnotising
my insides to rebel.
The anarchists of yellow and orange
and the green of bile erupted
in a riot made of putrid rainbows.
And it rained anarchy as the love
between the seasons raged
and my body grew weak and feverish
until finally it all stopped.
With the cool caress of the porcelain
against the skin of my cheek,
cradling my head as if to whisper,
“Everything will be okay, love.”
♠ ♠ ♠
It's the flu, if you didn't quite understand.