
A flash of a yellow dress
The tap tap of Sunday shoes hitting cement
Blond hair swishing as she skips
But why did those shiny Sunday shoes
Carry her through that back ally?

The steady drip drip of the rain gutters
The thrice-used needles littering the ground
The sky is now gone
The hills have turned to bricks
Softly she sings,
'Ring around the rosy,'
'Pocket full of posy...'

Wide blue eyes lost in blackness
Where did you bring her little Sunday shoes?
This is the Gravedigger's ally
Maybe he wont notice
That bright yellow sundress
Those alive blue eyes

Her voice quavers slightly as she hears
Heavy footfalls behind her
'ashes, ashes'
Now a voice that only the walking dead
have heard before finishes quietly
'we all fall down.'

The flash of a silver knife
Her small body hits the concrete
The life drains from her eyes
But the gravedigger was merciful
He dug her a shallow grave
She will feel the rain

Now that yellow sundress
is stained with soil
The golden hair will shine no more
Gravedigger why?
You took her soul
But left her body
Left it so she could feel the pitter-patter of the clouds tears
As it mourns for the innocent
Taken by the Gravedigger

“Gravedigger when you dig my grave, can you make it shallow, so that I can feel the rain?”
Gravedigger by Dave Matthews
This poem was inspired by the song quoted above, if you havn't heard it before i would highly suggest listening to it :] comment please please please!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D