
A voice that lingers
And whispers her torment
Tears overwhelming
Pain she cannot prevent

She screams to escape
From the voices words
Its haunting insanity
Inevitable, with no cure

"Like fire and powder,
Which as they kiss consume."
She listens and believes
Crying on the floor of her room

Her hands claw at her skin
And her legs twitch and kick
Tears stream harder and faster
Her mind now sick

It tells her what to do
To make it end
What will rid her of this
What will help it mend

The blood on her hands
The screams no longer heard
A sickening laugh escapes
As her fears are assured

She stumbles through the house
Careless of her bloody state
Searching for her end
The life she can take

She takes the key
From under the cabinet
And unlocks the drawer
Finding the gleaming instrument

She takes the gun in hand
And smiles to herself
The life she took, not hers
But the life of the voice

The voice now silent...
She lies dead on the floor
Eyes wide and blank
Blood staining the walls and door

The voice now silent...
Quiet and peaceful
Death, her freedom, her liberation
The voice no longer speaks
♠ ♠ ♠
Just so you dun get confused.... er so i can make it clear.. on the 8th stanza is wear the gun in my house is.. like where they "hide" the key.. and the drawer they keep it in.. blah blah you get it now XD