The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life...
So tall and lively...
Filled with so many vibrant and colorful leaves...
Each representing a person in your life...
The tree grows and grows infinantly...
Feeding on us as we go through our moments...
The water... the choices we make through time...
The sunlight... the emotions we feel through these moments...
All of it feeds the Tree of Life and helps it flourish...
As we make our choices... the tree's branches spread apart...
Along with the leaves that go along with it...
Some will grow with the branches...
Most likely you're family...
While others will fall... and leave the Tree of Life...
Falling slowly until it reaches the ground of the forgotten...
But sometimes... If were fortunate...
A specific leaf will remain on the tree forever... a great friend...
A leaf that will continue to wilt... but live on the tree forever until it finally breaks off...
Though it's color is special to you in a way...
So when it falls... it will not fall onto the ground of the forgotten like the others...
But a hand will take it before it reaches the ground... gaze at it in astonishment...
And move it into the house of remberence...
Where it will remain in the book of the lost... but remembered...
Just like the rest of those special leaves...
That were kept close to your heart...
Yet, these leaves are breaking from my tree too fast for me to care for it...
And slowly my tree becomes very much like a tree in the winter...
Dead and bare... With only a few leaves in sight...