my darling

Time does not stand still
Not even when you close your eyes
Or even when you make love
But I wish it would
I want to stay in this moment forever

With the morning light
And the disappearance of the moon
You will be gone
Like the darkness of the night
When I open my eyes and look over
Your side of the bed will still be made
Not a feather will be rustled
And the bed will still feel cold

I can dream of you all night
Dream that you are mine again
Here in my bed thinking of just me
But when I lift my head from my slumber
I will remember the day you left
I will feel the pain inside my chest
I will know that you are not here with me

Time does not stand still
Not even when you close your eyes
Or even when you make love
And Im glad
Soon enough you will be mine again
I will go to sleep on your chest
I will awake in your arms once again
And all will be right in the world.