Would I Love You Again

you were mine
i had you here beside me
then it was gone
left without a trace

as if it never happened
you were ripped out of my life
not a word, not a sound
left to my ear

you had disappeared
when i needed you most
and there was a space in my heart
where you had been ripped

make excuses
but i know what happened here
there is nothing else to say but

im trying to move on
but i cant forget
you were linked to me
and now im trying to go

but what if i cant leave?
what if...all ive worked towards
to get away from you
just brings me closer

do you want to talk to me anymore?
do you even want to be with me
after i blame myself for everything?
i wish you would come back

i wish i could tell you that one thing i had been meaning to say:
i love you, and always have.
forever I'll keep glancing back
and seeing the time i had given to you

and regret it?