Hatred for Humanity

The rain falls and holds me down
Eternal crimson bathed the ground
Stained and forever is it done
My soul is broken and now it's gone

To stand
To weep
A strand
Of wheat
Hangs tight to my body
As the farmer stops crying

Crops wither and die
Disaster covers a deep red sky
Forever is it this that humility and poverty
Be sent through the grater of famine and depravity

Chaos ensued upon the reckless soul
Two coins on the eyes to pay their toll
Across the river styx they go
Never to know their existance, their roll

Of course as I open my eyes
To see the light of the brightest sunshine
Was that a dream or a reality?
Or possibly, just possibly...

A never ending hatred I've held for humanity...
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a simple glimpse at what I've become at the moment. how I feel towards many people who have stomped me down. I hate the fact that I've thought of those things but holds true in my heart and mind that it is hard to withstand such atrocities that have been dealt to me. Then again, I can't help but live on because I love too easily and too wholeheartedly. I can't abandon anyone, which is why I hate that I had these thoughts.